To kick off a busy conference autumn season, members from the MMK project team at SBB participated in the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2023) conference, held from August 21-26, 2023 in San José, California, USA. As the main event of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), ICDAR was already held for […]

Workshop Semi-Automatic Subject Indexing at the Berlin State Library

The team of sub-project 3 “AI-supported content analysis and subject indexing” in the BKM-financed research project Human.Machine.Culture (“Mensch.Maschine.Kultur” / MMK) successfully organized an internal workshop on semi-automatic subject indexing at the Berlin State Library (SBB) on 19 July 2023 (cf. Eberhardt 2011 and Golub 2021 as introductory/additional reading on this topic). How can we employ […]

Prize Question: Openness vs. Arcane Knowledge in the 21st Century

In 1798, the Königliche Societät der Wissenschaften (Royal Society of Sciences) in Göttingen published the following prize question in the Reichs-Anzeiger: “How can the advantages that are possible through the wandering of craftsmen be promoted and the disadvantages that occur be prevented?” (“Wie können die Vortheile, welche durch das Wandern der Handwerksgesellen möglich sind, gefördert […]